I told you Donald Trump was a fascist!

December 9, 2015

Well, I hate to be the one who said I told you so, but even mainstream Republicans are using the “F word” to describe Donald Trump. After his ridiculous fantasy about banning Muslims from America, I felt I should chime in, even though I’d rather write about Cozy’s first poop in her IKEA baby toilet. His use of the these emotional hot-button issues certainly is good at keeping this billionaire “man of the people” candidate in the headlines, but there is a frighteningly ugly side to his appeal.


It’s clear that a lot of people don’t understand the basic political spectrum with fascism on the right side of the continuum and communism on the left. (Hint: We’re pretty much in the middle.) I’ve given up on explaining to people that Hitler’s “National socialism” is not actually socialism but a violently anti-socialist form of fascism. The right is characterized by the rule of the one and the left is characterized by the rule of the many, with lots of gradations between the extremes. (Bernie Sanders is to the left of Hillary Clinton and to the right of Fidel Castro. Similarly, Donald Trump is to the right of Marco Rubio and to the left of Benito Mussolini.)


So the memes comparing Trump to Hitler have been coming fast and furious. Godwin’s Law aside, I’m sure Trump is flattered by the comparison with a former Time Magazine Person of the Year. They do have much in common. But let’s stick to four hallmarks of fascism.

Conspiracy Theories: Trump is the king of the “Birther” movement. The theory is that Obama was born in Kenya instead of America and his college transcripts were forged. It’s all part of an elaborate conspiracy by foreign Muslims to instal a jihadist in the White House and institute Sharia Law in the United States. Since Obama will be leaving the office in January 2017, he better get his Jihadi ass in gear.

Then there is the fun one about the Mexican government is “sending its worst” to the U.S. (Remember, all those rapists and murderers?). They’re destroying us, he will tell you. “Believe me!”

Obviously, all these guys harp on the “liberal media” conspiracy that is out to get them.  (Hint: The media is only as liberal as the corporations that own it.)

The fact that these juvenile theories are disproven on a daily basis doesn’t really matter. Facts don’t matter to Trump and his minions. Conspiracy theories offer simplistic world views and explanations. Everything is very black and white. And the left has a few conspiracy theories of their own (9/11 was an inside job, Monsanto runs the world, etc.). But Trump’s are rooted in xenophobia and blaming “outsiders” for our problems and that puts him firmly on Adolf’s team.

Racism: I think Trumpies believe that you have to parade around in a Klan robe to be a racist. Trump does have a few black supporters and Hitler had a few Jewish supporters (before he gassed them). But let’s be clear, Trump is either a seething racist or he is an opportunist who uses racism to rally his sub-moronic drones.

A) He’s anti-black. Whether encouraging the man-handling of “disgusting” Black Lives Matters protesters or crowing that “All lives matter,” it’s clear that he has no interest in addressing the institutional racism that plagues the lives of millions of Americans. He’s tweeted “facts” from a white supremacist websites to reinforce his position that black people are a violent threat to his white followers.

B) He’s anti-Latino. His asinine comments about immigrants (he never mentions white immigrants) is based on the most extremist narrative and denies the reality of actual Latino immigrants, including members of my family.

C) He’s anti-Muslim. I know Islam is a religion and not a race, but it comes from the same dark place. He’s denied the role of Muslim Americans in the war on terrorism, in the armed forces, in government, in eduction, in science and even in sports (while  bragging about his “good friend” Muhammad Ali).

Trump whitey

Trump is not the traditional racist but brown is the new black so he can hope for a handful of black supporters by going after Latinos (“Mexicans”) and Arabs (“Muslims”) and his loyal flock is A-Okay with it. The assumption is that all non-whites are voting Democratic anyway so why not just recruit the highly motivated whites and make America great again, “again,” meaning back to early 1954 before America went all to shit.

Of course Trump’s plan to ban all Muslims from America is idiotic. According to what he told ABC’s George Stephanapoulos , customs agents would just ask people if they were Muslim and if they said “yes,” they wouldn’t be allowed into the country. You know, because actual terrorists are so honest. And would they be allowed into the country if they converted to Christianity? It seemed to work for the Spanish Inquisition.

In that interview he likened his plan to FDR’s WWII internment of American citizens of Japanese descent, one of the great American human rights abuses of the twentieth century and a massive violation of the due process constitutional rights of 110,000 Americans and thousands of Japanese immigrants whose only crime was being Japanese. In 1988, President Reagan apologized for the atrocity but here is Trump using it as his model. Even Jeb Bush described Trump as “unhinged.” He may be nuts or he may be secretly trying to help ISIS make the case that Americans hate all Muslims, but most likely he is  just be rallying his rabid jingoist base.

Aggressive Nationalism: All this is wrapped up in a flag and rhetoric about “making America great again,” taking us back to a time when straight white Christian males didn’t have to be bothered with the “politically correct” language that addressed all the others who thought they deserved a bit of equality at the American table. Trump hates political correctness. He doesn’t want to have to be sensitive to the issues of the needs of Americans other than his brat pack. “Believe me, they are doing horrible things.” He wants to kill the families of ISIS members, including their children. (“Pro-life!”) He wants to be a bigger terrorist than the terrorists. He wants to save America. He says, “We’re at war. We don’t have a choice.”

Donny, you always have a choice.


Fearmongering: This is what Trump does best. The Mexicans are going to rape you, the Muslims hate you and are going to kill you, and anyone who disagrees is second rate and is a less valid human because they don’t get the ratings he does. He demagogues until his voice goes out. “Believe me, I saw thousands and thousands of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey after 9/11.” No you didn’t. Maybe you saw Muslims helping people and got confused.

“Believe me, there will be lots more 9/11’s if we don’t do something.” Remember when Rudy Giuliani tried this scare tactic in his 2008 presidential campaign? It’s only slightly historically removed from Father Coughlin who, in the 1930s, told his radio listeners that Jews were coming to kill Americans.

Trump is using the fear of terrorism and the general ignorance about Islam to whip his followers into a nationalist lynch mob. Listen to them carefully and then listen to people at a Klan rally and tell me how they differ. Scapegoating is an old tool but it is very effective.


I’ve gotten some flack for referring to Trump’s followers as “sub-moronic” and it’s a fair criticism. It is not my intent to dehumanize them. I’ve been studying right-wing extremists and white supremacists for thirty years now. I know what connects them and the Trumpies is a desire for  simplified world view provided by a charismatic leader who can explain how to solve their problems, whether they be real or imagined. It’s how cults work and it’s how fascism works. But I also know many intelligent, compassionate, and progressive people who once subscribed to those ideologies and then walked away from them toward the light. There are plenty of former neo-Nazis and former jihadists who can testify that it’s entirely possible. And soon we will have some former Trumpies to add to the list.

This piece could be about the list of hate groups that have endorsed Trump or hate crimes that have been committed by his “very passionate” followers. It could be about how the Tea Party has dragged to the GOP into the ditch and how we should celebrate the death throws of an increasingly irrelevant political party that now only appeals to rednecks and fascists. But I just want to remind people, that America has been here before, in the 1930s. The specter of fascism was growing in America and the exact same bogus claims that Trump is now making were made by little Hitlers here. But America was better than them and America is better than Trump. We reminded ourselves of our core values and turned away from the fascist tide. It’s refreshing to hear this message from traditional Republicans, like Paul Ryan. We are so much better than Trump.

But for those who continue to follow this megalomaniac, here is a picture of my daughter’s first toilet turd. I’ll look forward to your brilliant comments.




34 thoughts on “I told you Donald Trump was a fascist!

  1. i love the term trumpies . he is such an asshole but a very dangerous one. frankly the idea of him in the White House scares the hell out of me. your daughters first turd could be a comment on trump.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Trying to post here but didn’t go through, so hope it does here.

    Randy-I want to thank you for allowing my posts on your site and not censoring. As known, I have been posting here now since November 2015, when there’s something for me to comment on. Randy, on forums.hannity.com, they deleted my topic which I created on Jan. 3, 2016 regarding Operation Barbarossa-accusing me of Nazi Propaganda. Honest history discussion is discussing,, not censoring becauser 1 sees something different or has doubts. I do not believe it’s Nazi propaganda to say it’s possible Hitler wanted ethnic cleaning of Jews only while his henchmen Otto Adolf Eichmann, Heinrich Lutipold Himmler, etc. did extermination. Fact again is that only Hitler knew his motives. People on that site accused me and reviser Paul G. Grubach of being Nazi apologists when I’m not German and when Paul G. Grubach is mostly Slav with little German and Paul G. Grubach’s dad was a WW2 Marine who lost toe fighting against the Japanese (Nazi Germany’s wartime ally) during Bougainville Battle.

    Fact about Holocaust is that it has become a faith for some Jews and my post got censored when I said there among other things that Jewish groups like Wiesenthal Center and US Holocaust Museum talk too much about Holocaust-OK their job is to discuss that. Paul G. Grubach believes Jewish groups still hate Germans because of Holocaust and truth is Jewish groups like Wiesenthal Center and the US Holocaust Museum want Germans to have Passover Syndrome where post war Germans are supposed to be guilty for Holocaust. Germans like Niklas Frank (Hans Michael Frank’s son) http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/04/17/forgiving-my-nazi-father-a-horrific-past-made-present.html and Rainer Hoess (Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Hoess’s grandson) http://www.wsj.com/articles/how-grandson-of-auschwitz-boss-is-trying-to-remake-family-name-1422243182 both have Passover Syndrome. Here’s another German the grandniece of Hermann Wilhelm Goering who has Passover Syndrome http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1244754/Hermann-Goerings-great-niece-tells-Hitlers-Children-I-sterilised-I-pass-blood-monster.html

    Even if a German has Passover Syndrome, there are Jews who will hate them no matter what. Must also say that Jews were Holocaust victims, in former USSR it was Stalin’s Communist henchmen & henchwomen who committed Soviet Holocaust who took more lives and while many of Stalin’s henchmen & henchwomen were not Jewish, some of Stalin’s henchmen & henchwomen were Jewish but not the same guilt trip. Rest of what I say here is copy/paste or copy&paste but relevant to topic.

    Didn’t see Inglorious Basterds but don’t expect Q.J. Tarantino to do a movie on this history. http://davidduke.com/the-greatest-ma…ish-columnist/ Don’t always share David E. Duke’s views but he is right on this 1. Here’s a link to a historian who evaluates orthodox view on Operation Barbarossa that Stalin had no plans to attack Germany and Viktor Suvorov’s reviser view that Stalin did have plans to attack Germany here http://www.studentpulse.com/articles/1278/did-stalin-plan-to-attack-hitler-in-1941-the-historiographical-controversy-surrounding-the-origins-of-the-nazi-soviet-war

    Adolf Hitler was selfish and greedy but he was honest about that. Samurais were worse than Nazis with Bataan Death March, Nanking, etc. Most Japanese people are fine but with WW2 on Axis side, the Samurais were scariest and Soviets were scarier than Samurais. Dictators like Hitler think they’re good not bad and Hitler did do things which made Germany advanced for it’s time after being leader in 1933. Germany and Austria (after 1938) anschluss did pass animal welfare laws which were advanced for it’s time so yes, even dictators can have advance ideas. Nazis did pass animal welfare laws which were advanced for time such as Hitler signed law to protect the eagle (Eagle on Swastika is Nazi symbol) and Hitler signed laws which created rules on hunting and Hitler signed laws on fastest way to kill crustaceans.

    It’s possible Hitler did not know about gas chambers. Hitler rejected nerve gases which are worse than Zykon B (a rat killer). Himmler forbade all discussions before Hitler of Jews being killed. It’s odd that Hitler would reject deadlier nerve gases (though Prof. RJ Evans in his book 3d Reich @ War talks of experimental killings by nerve gas in camps) while approving gas vans. Yes, Hitler was wounded by mustard gas during WW1. But that doesn’t prove why he rejected nerve gas.

    I do not find credible idea he rejected nerve gas because allies would react with same. Both Axis and Allies bombed cities killing many to try to get other side to surrender. What you have said so far is not understandable and I created topic mainly to discuss history. I don’t care if you call me a Nazi, but @least discuss history to rebut what I write, but don’t think you’re honest because you have not given any recorded history. It’s possible Hitler did not know about genocide as leaders don’t usually know everything. He wanted ethniccleaning which there’s no doubt and yes, the Holocaust happened under his leadership. But only Hitler knew his motive because wartime documents give a different idea from what after the war Nuremberg, Eichmann and with those 2, they were going to say what they were to try to save themselves such as following orders.

    most people killed by the Nazis were NOT Jewish-they were Slavs such as Russians, Poles, Czechs. Read & heard descendants of Holocaust victims talk of how they lost an aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. during Holocaust or Shoah. Many non-Jewish Slavs also had relatives killed by Nazis during Holocaust in the death camps. These people imply their relatives killed were innocents. Yes, there were kids, school teachers, housewives, etc. killed by Nazis in shootings , gassings, etc. Some of the people who were killed in Nazi deaths camps were Communists & Communism has killed more than Nazism, so you can find cases where a future Stalin, Lenin, Kim Il Sung, Mao or other Commie was killed by Nazis in concentration camps. Not all the millions killed by the Nazis were nice people.

    history reviser Paul G Grubach. He does not believe Adolf Hitler knew of extermination program but only wanted ethnic cleaning. I don’t think Paul Grubach is a neo-Nazi as his dad was a WW2 Marine who lost toe fighting against the Japanese (Nazi Germany’s ally) during Bougainville Battle. When it comes to axis, the Samurais were scarier than Nazis.

    Paul G. Grubach should not be censored just because he sees differently. Here’s what Paul G.Grubach said ‘Three days after the Wannsee Conference, January 23, 1942, Hitler told his associates: The Jew must clear out of Europe. Otherwise no understanding will be possible between Europeans restrict myself to telling them they must go away. If they break their pipes on the journey, I can’t do anything about it. But if they refuse to go voluntarily, I see no other solution but extermination. Hitler added: A good three or four hundred years will go by before the Jews set foot again in Europe. They return first of all as commercial travelers, then gradually they become emboldened to settle here the better to exploit

    Paul G. Grubach said ‘Hitlers meaning in these documents is clear. He had no plans to physically exterminate all of the Jews, as he realized they would still be around hundreds of years from now. Yet, he clearly realized the brutality of his plans to rid Europe of the Jews; many would die as a result of his policies, and many of the ones that did not leave voluntarily would be shot or would die of disease or starvation. …. evil policy indeed, but it is not the same as a policy to exterminate all Jews in gas chambers, to make them disappear from the face of the earth.’

    Prof. RJ Evans and Ian Kershaw think the extermination policy was in codes but reviser Paul Grubach thinks intent was ethnic cleaning but not extermination though Himmler, Eichmann, Heydrich and others believed that to be extermination. Paul Grubach believes war time documents during war on Nazi Germany’s policy on Jews is more reliable than after the war testimony by Adolf Eichmann because Eichmann was going to say what he wanted to save himself. Same with Nuremberg trials, they were going to say what they could to save themselves.

    I know Adolf Hitler wanted to ethnically clean Europe of Jews and I only talk of what I know. I’m not sure about the codes. Prof. RJ Evans (3d Reich @ War)& Ian Kershaw (Hubris & Nemesis) believe Hitler knew of extermination with reports given in codes such as evacuation, rather than extermination & that Hitler talked in codes when he knew plans changed to extermination. Is it possible Himmler, Eichmann, Heydrich & others did extermination w/o Hitlers knowledge Know people will differ but possible Adolf Hitler wanted to get rid of Jews, his henchmen believed it meant extermination & they did extermination when Hitler wanted ethniccleaning not extermination. Ian Kershaw & Prof. RJ Evans are good historians. Just saying my view is that possible Hitler wanted ethniccleaning only but his henchmen did extermination.


  3. No Abner this is not Nazi propaganda which would be, let’s face it, indefensible.
    You merely have a burning desire to share, inform, and educate; In short Pontificate.
    I just noticed how close that last word is to defecate. Something best done in private, yet you feel the need to do it in public.
    Let’s call it the “Randolf Churchill Syndrome,” for like him you die by inches — in public. And like Randolf you have no comprehension of your illness.


    1. I can say w/o doubt that Hitler wanted ethnic cleaning of Jews, while his henchmen Heinrich Lutipold Himmler, Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich, etc. did extermination. But I can’t say w/o doubt what Adolf Hitler’s motive was because only he knew. Possible Adolf Hitler wanted ethnic cleaning not extermination because only he knew his motive. Being humble not haughty.


    2. Have you thought of how many people read history books on Nazis & Holocaust, have different conclusions on what happened but don’t tell you as they don’t want to be called Nazis Whites esp. Germans usu. won’t tell you if they have different conclusion on Holocaust as they don’t want to be called a Nazi. Non-Whites like me can make a different conclusion with fewer people accusing me of Nazi worship though I have been called a Nazi because I have a different conclusion on Holocaust & for saying that I think Hitler had some good ideas such as Nazis passing animal welfare laws which were advanced for time, 1938 Volkswagen Beetle, & the fact Nazis sometimes killed bad people such as Soviet Commissars. Nazis did pass animal welfare laws which were advanced for it’s time such as Hitler signed law to protect the eagle (Eagle on Swastika is Nazi symbol) and Hitler signed laws which created rules on hunting and Hitler signed laws on fastest way to kill crustaceans. In the end Hitler, his mistress Eva Braun and their dog Blondi all committed suicide.

      Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Axis Japan were greedy but they were not cowards & Axis Japanese soldiers fought and died for what they believed & Fascist Italian soldiers fought & died for what they wanted. Nazi German soldiers fought and died for what they wanted. Nazis were greedy but they fought & died for what they wanted and you Nazi soldiers did have courage fighting in battles such as Kursk, Nazi soldiers were not cowards, in that in Stalingrad & Leningrad battles, you must have courage. German Nazi soldiers talk of how they destroyed 3 Soviet tanks in battle & on average, Russians are stronger than Germans & Russian men can be as strong as Black men. Nazi Germans greedy, but Nazi soldiers did have courage fighting against stronger Soviet soldiers in Stalingrad, Leningrad, etc.


  4. The cool thing about being a leftist is that you don’t have to back up your false statements. Fascism is not right-wing, moron. Hitler was called a right-winger by the U.S.S.R., which prescribes to socialism/communism. To them, fascism is right-wing.
    Let’s see what was so dangerous about Hitler:
    -He believed certain groups of people should be contained and killed
    -He was anti-gun. He did not believe in the right for a citizen to own a firearm
    -He condemned Jews for profiting off of others
    -Vilified Jews
    -Made government more important than family upbringing (see his youth program)

    You “liberals” always take something and run with it. Just because someone is a nationalist does NOT mean they are Nazis. Hitler was only able to do what he did by implementing leftist policies such as his ban on guns while creating a big government.

    But of course, truth is always subjective to you leftists, isn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Abner, you are nuts. you think Hitler was a dupe of his henchman. and that he didn’t mean kill all the Jews. where did he think all those trains went. it certainly wasn’t to Sunny Brook Farm. of course it was his plan and he did his best to carry it out. all your fancy words and twisting of facts won’t change that. i am currently reading a book, called ‘WHAT WE KNEW” try reading that and then tell me Hitler was innocent.


    1. No surprise Clint would imply I’m a Nazi, but to answer. Think you Clint Warren shit in public because I don’t know people who do that. Yes, I do think Adolf Hitler had some good ideas, but you don’t have to be Nazi to believe that. I will give my conclusion of what I think happened during Holocaust and if it offends others, then so be it.

      Babealso-I didn’t say Adolf Hitler was innocent, but it’s possible he wanted to ethnically clean out Jews while his henchmen believed extermination. The only person who knew his intent was Adolf Hitler. What I do know is Adolf Hitler wanted the Jews to be gone. I have again read books by RJ Evans (3rd Reich @ War), Kershaw’s Nemesis & Hubris, also have visited the US Holocaust Museum website. BUT EVEN AFTER reading the 3 books and visiting US Holocaust Museum website, I STILL THINK that we will never know Adolf Hitler’s true motives when it came to Jews & I do not believe historians can know with no doubt. Historians have their own agendas & honestly, when you don’t have rebuttal, you accuse others of Nazi propaganda.

      Paul G. Grubach should not be censored just because he sees differently. Here’s what Paul G.Grubach said ‘Three days after the Wannsee Conference, January 23, 1942, Hitler told his associates: The Jew must clear out of Europe. Otherwise no understanding will be possible between Europeans restrict myself to telling them they must go away. If they break their pipes on the journey, I can’t do anything about it. But if they refuse to go voluntarily, I see no other solution but extermination. Hitler added: A good three or four hundred years will go by before the Jews set foot again in Europe. They return first of all as commercial travelers, then gradually they become emboldened to settle here the better to exploit

      Paul G. Grubach said ‘Hitlers meaning in these documents is clear. He had no plans to physically exterminate all of the Jews, as he realized they would still be around hundreds of years from now. Yet, he clearly realized the brutality of his plans to rid Europe of the Jews; many would die as a result of his policies, and many of the ones that did not leave voluntarily would be shot or would die of disease or starvation. …. evil policy indeed, but it is not the same as a policy to exterminate all Jews in gas chambers, to make them disappear from the face of the earth.’

      What I know with no doubt is that Adolf Hitler wanted Jews to be gone & that he didn’t give a shit if Jews died in concentration camps, so he wasn’t clueless. He does say that if Jews refuse to leave, they’ll be exterminated. That is found with ethnic cleaning policies which have happened too many times in history.


    2. Yes I know where those trains went. Hitler again wanted Jews to be gone (from my last post) but I don’t think we can ever know with 100% doubt what Hitler’s motives were with regard to Jews other than he wanted them gone & I can say ethniccleaning with no doubt but I don’t know with no doubt if it was extermination . Babealso German conflict with Slavs goes back many years long before Hitler see http://www.wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/articles/wrsynopsis.html

      No, Nazi Germany had no right to invade Poland, no right to take Czechoslovakia by war declaration threat (violating 1938 Munich Agreement with Sudeten) as their motive was lebensraum or living room to do things for German interests, Germans living in Poland & Czechoslovakia were poorly treated. I don’t agree with everything in that link as I differ with that link when he implies German invasion of Poland was to protect Germans from Poles when Nazi Germany’s motive was lebensraum. Where I do agree is the fact that Germans living in Poland and Czechoslovakia were poorly treated there (Germans sometimes took Polish & Czech names to try to avoid persecution) & in some cases there was violence committed by Poles & Czechs against their German neighbors in Poland & Czechoslovakia. My post is nothing against Poles & Czechs as people. Again, while Nazi Germany had no right to invade Poland, etc., let’s not omit that Germans were poorly treated in Poland for many years, long before Hitler was born.



      You can call me nuts but I’ve heard it before & believe there are things about Holocaust we will never know & think we will never know 100% what Hitler’s motive was when it came to Jews other than he wanted them gone or ethnic cleaning. German conflict with Slavs goes back many years long before Hitler see http://www.wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/articles/wrsynopsis.html No, Nazi Germany had no right to invade right to invade Poland, no right to take Czechoslovakia by war declaration threat (violating 1938 Munich Agreement with Sudeten) as their motive was lebensraum or living room to do things for German interests, Germans living in Poland & Czechoslovakia were poorly treated. I don’t agree with everything in that link as I differ with that link when he implies German invasion of Poland mainly was to protect Germans from Poles when Nazi Germany’s motive was lebensraum, though incidental motive Nazi Germany’s invasion of Poland would have Nazi soldiers protecting Germans from their Polish neighbors.

      Nazi Germany had no right to invade Poland because main motive was lebensraum. Where I do agree with link is the fact that Germans living in Poland and Czechoslovakia were poorly treated there (Germans sometimes took Polish & Czech names to try to avoid persecution) & in some cases there was violence committed by Poles & Czechs against their German neighbors in Poland & Czechoslovakia. My post is nothing against Poles & Czechs as people. Again, while Nazi Germany had no right to invade Poland, etc. as they were doing that mainly for Nazi Germany’s interest against others where Slavs have limited education while Germans get lands, let’s not omit that Germans were poorly treated in Poland for many years, long before Hitler was born.


    4. Most likely you’re right. However, you know you’re correct because you were there and privy to all the actors, the discussions and their thoughts? Of course you were. —– Here’s the point, in case it (likely) escapes you: You know everything, like most authoritarians (such as the worst ‘leaders’ of USSR, Nazi Germany, etc.). Your kind pronounce for all us ignorant folk. Witness the prior blog “Explaining the world one tragedy at a time”.

      I suggest all the belly button lint fondlers resign any cushy, protected liberal arts type professions and go join their favorite people, the illegal aliens and impoverished Americans and compete with them for work. Work not available due to the corrupt immigration, fiscal, monetary, banking and trade policies of both “Parties” for many decades, led by the ones most often proclaiming they are for the middle and working class. The obvious nature of facts is only exceeded by the power of human denial, for the facts don’t fit their world view. That is, until it’s way too late.

      The libs are the racists, for they appear to prefer the status quo of illegal immigrant slavery and the “benefits” it delivers. They appear to prefer the myriad other economic extractions that have been progressing for, say, 40 yrs in the U.S. – which are too deep (yet obvious) to go into here and are, anyway, I venture to say way above their ability to grok.

      Some, with a brain, have said “enough”. What escapes you, apparently due to your baggage of excess sophistication, is that the Trumpies do _not_ care very much about apparent excesses of the Trumpster’s speeches. Get it? They don’t care anymore. They’re perfectly aware of some of it being trashy and even bonkers. That’s not the point. Game over. It’s genius. Too bad the populace is too stupid (sheep-like, you know) to grok the real opportunity in Ron/Rand Paul.

      Anyway, a Trump President may be Providential. It’s all about disruption, and nobody will support anything bonkers from him in office. This is all too simple for the libs, who know it all and efffectively just prefer the same old shafting. I guess it just feels good.

      I look forward to the lib blogs, where heads will explode all over the Internet. What a mess. What fun. Well, have a nice day and go back to yer belly button lint fondling.


  6. Something else-during WW2, the Germans had lebensborn which means life fountain. Adolf Hitler believed Germans were to have many children. Adolf Hitler believed Germans, Scandinavians & Italians were best. During lebensborn, Heinrich Lutipold Himmler pushed things such as Nazis taking Czech children, Polish children during war and having them raised by German families-Germanized. Don’t believe Adolf Hitler approved of this since Poles, Czechs, etc. would be Slavs and do not believe Adolf Hitler would want Germans to raise Slav children as Slavs would be Untermensch, so think this part of Lebensborn was done without Hitler’s approval but by Himmler.

    Nazi German soldiers (along with foreign members in Wehrmacht) sometimes raped Jewess women, Russian women, etc. Sometimes Nazi German guards would rape Jewess women in the concentration camps. I believe Adolf Hitler was against Nazi German soldiers raping Jewess women & Russian women, because Hitler believed German men should only have sex with German women, Scandinavian women & Italian women. Nazis sometimes did things w/o Adolf Hitler’s approval. Rest of my post is copy/paste or copy&paste, as do not think much new will be raised.

    Adolf Hitler had SOME good ideas & that in the Nazi concentration camps, not all the people killed by the Nazis were nice people in that in some of the people killed in concentration camps were bad people. No, Nazi Germany did not have a right to take Czechoslovakia, invade Poland & no, the Nazis did not have a right to send millions to their deaths in the concentration camps. No, Nazi Germany did not have a right to do ethnic cleaning of Jews Just saying that Communism has killed more & that the Nazis did kill Communists.

    Again, more non-Jews were killed by Nazis. Atrocities worse than Holocaust. Rwanda, Angola, Liberia & Congo where people were maimed. Nanking, Bataan, etc. Japanese soldiers following Bushido (Samurai way) bayonet POW are scarier than Einsatzgruppen. Japanese soldiers were stronger than German soldiers esp. as following Bushido, they were martial arts experts & Banzai charges. On Allies side, Red Army was the worse than Japanese. With fear, those are scarier than Nazis. When it comes to terror there are incidents worse than Holocaust-Rwanda, Angola, Liberia & Congo atrocities where people are maimed are worse. Yes, Rwanda, Angola, Congo where people were killed with machetes & maimed are worse than Einsatzgruppen shooting & killing because more terror with first.

    rof. RJ Evans & Sir Ian Kershaw are excellent historians & I’ve read 3d Reich @ War (Prof. RJ Evans), Hubris (Prof. Kershaw) & Nemesis (Prof. Ian Kershaw). Prof. RJ Evans & Ian Kershaw are both right that Adolf Hitler with Slavs (Poles, Czechs, Russians, etc.) wanted lebensraum such as he took Czechoslovakia by war declaration threat after taking Sudetenland by Munich Agreement which Czechs hated. Hitler wanted Germans to be Europe’s masters with Slavs having limited education and doing things for German’s interests. Nazi invasion of Poland, Yugoslavia, Operation Barbarossa was to do things for German interests. Hitler often treated his generals strategies with contempt & interfered in military decisions while Stalin left military planning to his commanders & generals.

    Professor Ian Kershaw said if Hitler had died in 1938 (before the Holocaust) instead of 1945 (after millions were killed), he would have gone down as a great leader in German history. Germany and later Austria (after 1938) anschluss were advanced in many ways during Hitler’s time be it automotive science (V.W. Beetle came out in 1938), veterinary science and other things. Nazi propaganda would show films of Hitler with children & dogs. Nazis did pass animal welfare laws which were advanced for it’s time such as Hitler signed law to protect the eagle (Eagle on Swastika is Nazi symbol) and Hitler signed laws which created rules on hunting and Hitler signed laws on fastest way to kill crustaceans. In the end Hitler, his mistress Eva Braun and their dog Blondi all committed suicide.

    Adolf Hitler did say that he wanted Endlossung or Final Solution to get rid of Jews. Adolf Hitler didn’t care if Jews died in concentration camps in that he said that there would not be enough food & many would die. It’s possible though that he wanted ethniccleaning when he said Final Solution but not extermination while his henchmen believed Final Solution to mean extermination. Adolf Hitler made no secret about wanting lebensraum & Hitler had authorized T4, Commissar Order, etc., that Himmler, Heydrich, etc. believed there was no need to give extermination order with regard to Jews.

    Only Adolf Hitler knew, but it’s possible with Final Solution, Adolf Hitler wanted ethniccleaning but not extermination. Paul G. Grubach mentioned in 2002 that Hitler sometimes intervened in decisions as it related to Jews such as in 1942 (during extermination program), Hitler signed an order to send 60,000 Jews to Palestine. Yes, Paul G. Grubach is a reviser who doesn’t believe Adolf Hitler knew of extermination program, but I don’t think Paul Grubach is a Nazi as he is mostly Polish (with some German) & Paul G. Grubach’s dad was a WW2 Marine who lost a toe fighting against the Imperial Japanese (Nazi Germany’s ally) during the Battle of Bouganville. More non-Jewish Slavs were killed by Nazis during WW2.

    Professors RJ Evans & Ian Kershaw are right that Adolf Hitler allowed T4 Mercy Killing extermination where people had their handicapped kids (incl. babies) & relatives killed. They have also talked of other execution orders that Adolf Hitler did such as Comissar Order & Hitler’s 1942 order to exterminate males 14 & older in Stalingrad & Leningrad battles. Prof. RJ Evans (3d Reich @ War)& Ian Kershaw (Hubris & Nemesis) believe Hitler knew of extermination with reports given in codes such as evacuation, rather than extermination & that Hitler talked in codes when he knew plans changed to extermination. Is it possible Himmler, Eichmann, Heydrich & others did extermination w/o Hitler’s knowledge? Know people will differ but it’s possible Adolf Hitler wanted to get rid of Jews, his henchmen believed it meant extermination & they did extermination when Hitler wanted ethniccleaning not extermination. Ian Kershaw & Prof. RJ Evans are good historians. Just saying my view is that it’s possible Hitler wanted ethniccleaning only but his henchmen did extermination.


  7. Another thing & it deals with how Americans do WW2 history in U.S. If you look @ what gets covered in US regarding WW2, Nazi Germany gets #1 coverage, with Axis Japan coming in 2nd place & Fascist Italy in 3rd Place. Axis Japan should get #1 coverage when it comes to WW2 history for American history books, because more American soldiers fought against Japanese, as Axis Japan’s airforce attacked us on Pearl Harbor bringing us into WW2. Americans should know more about Bataan, Iwo Jima, but in US, they talk more about Nazi concentration camps.


  8. Something new & are race ads sometimes right if they get message across? Eg. during late 1930s anti-tobacco posters in Nazi Germany, they would show posters such as a German family with Volkswagen Beetle (came out 1938) & compare that to photo of American Indian woman smoking while breastfeeding baby with idea of how smoking is something non-Aryans do. What do people think of this? Germans, when visiting Austria in 2001, Germany in 2003 & Switzerland in 2005 smoke alot, so while those posters in 1930s could have stopped individual Germans from smoking, most Germans didn’t care.


  9. English wasn’t 1st language. With Holocaust or any topic, I am juror. I read books Dachau (Dachau museum), Hubris & Nemesis by Prof. Kershaw, 3rd Reich @ War by Prof. RJ Evans, visited USHMM website & then decide what I think happened. I don’t accept all as true which I read. With Holocaust deaths, yes, millions of Jews, Gypsies, etc. were put in ghettos & concentration camps where they were starved & worked to death-same way as millions died in Soviet GULag Dubno, Kolyma, Krasnogorsk & Workuta where people were starved & worked to death building among other things the TransSiberian railway. Yes, Adolf Hitler knew that there wouldn’t be enough food for people in concentration camps & ghettos & he knew many would die. That is consistent with extermination.
    Possible Hitler did not know of gas vans because I don’t think he would approve of Zyklon B gas while rejecting deadlier nerve gases. I believe individual gassings with Zyklon B (along with Carbon Monoxide) happened in the camps & ghettos, but I do not believe mass gassings happened. I don’t think Adolf Hitler knew who JR Mengele was.

    I think most people who died in concentration camps & ghettos were starved & worked to death which alone is bad, but think only some were killed by gas & experiments. I am not White, so not a Nazi. I have found that there are people who see things same way. US Holocaust Museum has to know that we will decide after visiting their site what we think happened & won’t believe everything said. There’s even 1 Jewish man David Cole Stein who got condemned as a Nazi because he doesn’t believe everything said about Holocaust. People like me will conclude on what we think happened. What I wonder with Holocaust is how many people say they agree with eg. all of US Holocaust Museum’s conclusions because they believe this & how many don’t agree with all of US Holocaust Museum’s conclusions but don’t talk because they don’t want to be condemned as Nazis? I believe only a few were killed by gassing & it’s more common for Nazi soldiers to have raped Jewess & Gypsy women in the ghettos & concentration camps which is bad by itself.

    Adolf Hitler did say that he wanted Endlossung or Final Solution to get rid of Jews. Adolf Hitler didn’t care if Jews died in concentration camps in that he said that there would not be enough food & many would die. It’s possible though that he wanted ethniccleaning when he said Final Solution but not extermination while his henchmen believed Final Solution to mean extermination. Adolf Hitler made no secret about wanting lebensraum & Hitler had authorized T4, Commissar Order, etc., that Himmler, Heydrich, etc. believed there was no need to give extermination order with regard to Jews.
    Only Adolf Hitler knew, but it’s possible with Final Solution, Adolf Hitler wanted ethniccleaning but not extermination. What I know with no doubt is that Adolf Hitler wanted Jews to be gone & that he does say that if Jews refuse to leave, they’ll be exterminated. That is found with ethnic cleaning policies which have happened many times in history.

    The only person who knew his intent was Adolf Hitler. What I do know is Adolf Hitler wanted the Jews to be gone. I have again read books by RJ Evans (3rd Reich @ War), Kershaw’s Nemesis & Hubris, also have visited the US Holocaust Museum website. BUT EVEN AFTER reading the 3 books and visiting US Holocaust Museum website, I STILL THINK that we will never know Adolf Hitler’s true motives when it came to Jews & I do not believe historians can know with no doubt. I can say w/o doubt that Hitler wanted ethnic cleaning of Jews, while his henchmen Heinrich Lutipold Himmler, Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich, etc. did extermination. But I can’t say w/o doubt what Adolf Hitler’s motive was because only he knew. Possible Adolf Hitler wanted ethnic cleaning not extermination because only he knew his motive. Being humble not haughty.

    Adolf Hitler believed Germans, Scandinavians & Italians were best. During lebensborn, Heinrich Lutipold Himmler pushed things such as Nazis taking Czech children, Polish children during war and having them raised by German families-Germanized. Don’t believe Adolf Hitler approved of this since Poles, Czechs, etc. would be Slavs and do not believe Adolf Hitler would want Germans to raise Slav children as Slavs would be Untermensch, so think this part of Lebensborn was done without Hitler’s approval but by Himmler.

    Nazi German soldiers (along with foreign members in Wehrmacht) sometimes raped Jewess women, Russian women, etc. Sometimes Nazi German guards would rape Jewess women & Gypsy women in the ghettos & concentration camps. I believe Adolf Hitler was against Nazi German soldiers raping Jewess women & Russian women, because Hitler believed German men should only have sex with German women, Scandinavian women & Italian women. Nazis sometimes did things w/o Adolf Hitler’s approval.


  10. Another thing is that in both concentration camps & ghettos there were brothels which Prof. RJ Evans wrote in 3rd Reich @ War. Nazi Germans wanted to limit entertainment of Poles, Gypsies, etc. to sex & limit their education as Slavs were to do things for Nazi Germany’s interests. English wasn’t 1st language. With Holocaust or any topic, I am juror. I read books Dachau (Dachau museum), Hubris & Nemesis by Prof. Kershaw, 3rd Reich @ War by Prof. RJ Evans, visited USHMM website & then decide what I think happened. I don’t accept all as true which I read. With Holocaust deaths, yes, millions of Jews, Gypsies, etc. were put in ghettos & concentration camps where they were starved & worked to death-same way as millions died in Soviet GULag Dubno, Kolyma, Krasnogorsk & Workuta where people were starved & worked to death building among other things the TransSiberian railway. Yes, Adolf Hitler knew that there wouldn’t be enough food for people in concentration camps & ghettos & he knew many would die. That is consistent with extermination.
    Possible Hitler did not know of gas vans because I don’t think he would approve of Zyklon B gas while rejecting deadlier nerve gases. I believe individual gassings with Zyklon B (along with Carbon Monoxide) happened in the camps & ghettos, but I do not believe mass gassings happened. I don’t think Adolf Hitler knew who JR Mengele was.

    I think most people who died in concentration camps & ghettos were starved & worked to death which alone is bad, but think only some were killed by gas & experiments. I am not White, so not a Nazi. I have found that there are people who see things same way. US Holocaust Museum has to know that we will decide after visiting their site what we think happened & won’t believe everything said. There’s even 1 Jewish man David Cole Stein who got condemned as a Nazi because he doesn’t believe everything said about Holocaust. People like me will conclude on what we think happened. What I wonder with Holocaust is how many people say they agree with eg. all of US Holocaust Museum’s conclusions because they believe this & how many don’t agree with all of US Holocaust Museum’s conclusions but don’t talk because they don’t want to be condemned as Nazis? I believe only a few were killed by gassing & it’s more common for Nazi soldiers to have raped Jewess & Gypsy women in the ghettos & concentration camps which is bad by itself.

    Adolf Hitler did say that he wanted Endlossung or Final Solution to get rid of Jews. Adolf Hitler didn’t care if Jews died in concentration camps in that he said that there would not be enough food & many would die. It’s possible though that he wanted ethniccleaning when he said Final Solution but not extermination while his henchmen believed Final Solution to mean extermination. Adolf Hitler made no secret about wanting lebensraum & Hitler had authorized T4, Commissar Order, etc., that Himmler, Heydrich, etc. believed there was no need to give extermination order with regard to Jews.
    Only Adolf Hitler knew, but it’s possible with Final Solution, Adolf Hitler wanted ethniccleaning but not extermination. What I know with no doubt is that Adolf Hitler wanted Jews to be gone & that he does say that if Jews refuse to leave, they’ll be exterminated. That is found with ethnic cleaning policies which have happened many times in history.

    The only person who knew his intent was Adolf Hitler. What I do know is Adolf Hitler wanted the Jews to be gone. I have again read books by RJ Evans (3rd Reich @ War), Kershaw’s Nemesis & Hubris, also have visited the US Holocaust Museum website. BUT EVEN AFTER reading the 3 books and visiting US Holocaust Museum website, I STILL THINK that we will never know Adolf Hitler’s true motives when it came to Jews & I do not believe historians can know with no doubt. I can say w/o doubt that Hitler wanted ethnic cleaning of Jews, while his henchmen Heinrich Lutipold Himmler, Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich, etc. did extermination. But I can’t say w/o doubt what Adolf Hitler’s motive was because only he knew. Possible Adolf Hitler wanted ethnic cleaning not extermination because only he knew his motive. Being humble not haughty.

    Adolf Hitler believed Germans, Scandinavians & Italians were best. During lebensborn, Heinrich Lutipold Himmler pushed things such as Nazis taking Czech children, Polish children during war and having them raised by German families-Germanized. Don’t believe Adolf Hitler approved of this since Poles, Czechs, etc. would be Slavs and do not believe Adolf Hitler would want Germans to raise Slav children as Slavs would be Untermensch, so think this part of Lebensborn was done without Hitler’s approval but by Himmler.

    Nazi German soldiers (along with foreign members in Wehrmacht) sometimes raped Jewess women, Russian women, etc. Sometimes Nazi German guards would rape Jewess women & Gypsy women in the ghettos & concentration camps. I believe Adolf Hitler was against Nazi German soldiers raping Jewess women & Russian women, because Hitler believed German men should only have sex with German women, Scandinavian women & Italian women. Nazis sometimes did things w/o Adolf Hitler’s approval.


  11. I don’t disagree with you about Trump, but your political spectrum is both wrong and disturbing.

    First, fascism is a form of socialism, it’s just not a communist/marxist inspired form of socialism. Fascists specifically saw their approach as a third way that wasn’t communism or capitalism, but was (somehow) ‘in-between’.

    Second, that gets to a larger problem – political forms aren’t a single dimensional thing with just a left and a right. (America’s language for talking about politics is terrible). What’s especially galling about your representation is it places libertarianism next to fascism as if the two had anything in common.

    For a more accurate (yet still horribly simplistic) version, imagine a two-axis plot. One axis is political liberty, the second axis is economic liberty. (For more accuracy we’d need to add more dimensions – personal liberty at least). These axes run from 0 (no belief in that kind of liberty) to 1 (belief that said liberty is absolute and inviolate in all its forms). We’ll put 0,0 in the bottom left of this graph, and make economic liberty the horizontal axis.

    A 0 in economic liberty means that politics believes in no private ownership. A 1 in economic liberty means everything is privately held and government takes no action in the marketplace. A 0 in political liberty means oppressive dictatorship. A 1 in political liberty means anarchy – no controls on political rights at all. (Near 1 will include a high degree of freedom and choice on things like voter rights, speech in all forms, assembly, etc…).

    Communism scores near 0 on both political and economic liberty. The party holds all the political power, and the people have no vote and no choice. The party, through the apparatus of the state, also owns all property – no private individual has any property rights.

    Marxist-inspired socialism scores only slightly better on economic liberty (0.1-0.3), and much better on political liberty (0.3-0.6). (Anarcho-socialists still score low on economic liberty, but max out on political liberty).

    (Now, all political systems are going to occupy areas on the graph, not just points, but so imagine a blob in the vicinity of 0,0 for communism).

    Libertarianism (and classic liberalism as espoused by documents like The Declaration of Independence or Locke’s 2nd Treatise on Government) occupy an area in the vicinity of 1,1. (Libertarianism as a US political movement is not a monolithic position, so its a fairly large area depending on the specific beliefs involved). Note that, for most of the world, classic liberalism is liberalism. (American political language is just bizarre on its use of liberalism).

    Traditionalism (real conservatism – as distinct from the US conception) is near the center of the graph. (If we added personal and religious liberty axes, it would be lower on personal liberty and higher on religious liberty based on the US historical experience, and lower on religious liberty for most other countries).

    The American ‘conservatism’ is going to be an odd-shaped blob. It’ll include some areas slightly weak on political liberty (worst probably in the vicinity of 0.4) and some areas high on political liberty (pushing 0.8 or more). It’ll be biased towards economic liberty, pushing pretty high in some areas. (If we included religious and personal liberty, it would encompass areas that range from middle of the road to high on religious liberty, and low (0.2 or so) to moderately high (0.6-7) on personal liberty).

    The American ‘liberal’ is also an odd shaped blob that overlaps large parts of the ‘conservative’ blob on the higher political liberty end and the lower economic liberty end. It extends higher in places on political liberty, but at least as low on the other extreme – the modern anti-free-speech leftist campus protests score low on political liberty. The major difference is on economic liberty, where american ‘liberals’ top out in the 0.6 ballpark, and extends into rather low territory (~0.2 or so).

    (Conveniently, this orientation puts the ‘liberals’ on the left and the ‘conservatives’ on the right).

    American moderates exist where ‘liberalism’ and ‘conservatism’ overlap. This area tends to be above 0.5 on political liberty, and in the 0.4-0.6 ballpark on economic liberty.

    So where is Fascism? Well, it’s pushing towards 0 on political liberty, so that takes it off the ‘liberal’-‘conservative’ spectrum in america entirely, because the american political system is strongly biased towards the top half of political liberty. (Which is not to deny Trump’s fascism, but just that the ideas on political liberty that espouses is far from mainstream). On economic liberty there’s probably a large range, from 0.3 to 0.7 or so, but averaging middle-of-the-road on economic liberty. (As an off-the-cuff assessment, Pinochet’s Chile probably had better-than-average economic liberty, and Franco’s Spain was likely below-average).

    That isn’t to say there aren’t fascists hiding in the major parties. But many of Trump’s supporters likely don’t recognize fascism when they see it. (Our education system does a terrible job of discussing fascism as a political ideology, and treats it more like a perjorative to tar and feather the Nazis. It’s colloquial use by ‘leftist’ agitators to describe anyone more ‘right’ than they are further diminishes it’s content value. None of which is to say real fascism isn’t wrong, it is, but using it as a perjorative doesn’t help us understand how fascism worked as a system).

    (It’s not just Republicans either. Many of the blue collar supporters Trump found would historically have been labor democrats 40 or 50 years ago, and there are still labor democrats who aren’t particularly keen on political liberty. Both parties have factions which aren’t particularly interested in political liberty, and those factions are going to have fascist tendencies for silencing dissent.)


  12. The version of the Left/Right spectrum repeated, here, is purest fiction. As is typical, there is no definition of the continuum; just a straight line with the author’s labels attached (and the imaginary “tendency” to populist or monarchist rule). On the “far left” is Communism, the most dictatorial (and worst) governmental system in world history. On the “far right” the author has Fascism, the next most dictatorial (and next worst) governmental system in history. They were, and are, so close there is little between them. This is because there is no actual definition, here, about what “left” and “right” mean. In fact, if we measure the percentage of the Gross National Product controlled by government, we get a very rational picture of the degree of tyranny in any system. On the far left (Communism/Socialism) the government owns and controls everything. ON the far right, we have the United States before WWI, where the government took less than 10% of the people’s income, and the State of Israel, as blueprinted on Mt. Sinai (and documented in the 2nd through 4th books of the Bible) where the government took ZERO. There is no rational argument that has Conservatism on the same side of the spectrum as Fascism.


  13. I read Prof RJ Evans book 3d Reich @ war for second time & my thoughts. I agree with most of what Prof. RJ Evans says when he talks about Adolf Hitler wanting lebensraum or living room & Nazi Germany’s invasions of Poland, former Yugoslavia & USSR were to do things for Germany’s interests @ expense of Slavs. Germans would settle in these places, Slavs would have limited education & do things for German’s interests. Adolf Hitler knew many would die in WW2 & he didn’t care if Slavs starved to death, etc.

    With did Nazi Germany have plans to exterminate Jews, Prof. RJ Evans in book among other things talks of radio broadcasts given by Adolf Hitler, Paul J. Goebbells diary, along with Henrich Luitpold Himmler’s comments where they talk of Jewish deaths, so Adolf Hitler along with many Germans would have known about Nazi soldiers Wehrmacht, Einsatzgruppen, German militias & in some cases Ukrainians & others shooting and killing Jewish men, women & kids on Eastern Front. Adolf Hitler made no secret about fact that many Jews would die in concentration camps & ghettos because if you put millions of people in camps, don’t give enough food, H20, etc. many die. Prof. RJ Evans is right that Nazis believed Gypsies, Slavs, Jews, etc. were subhumans & that highest ethnic groups were Germans and Scandinavians. Professor RJ Evans is right on these things, though I don’t agree with him on all. & here’s where I don’t agree with him.

    I don’t believe Nazis killed hundreds of thousands of people in gas vans. Adolf Hitler refused to use nerve gases such as Sarin, Tabun and Soman which are deadlier than Zyklon B and carbon monoxide. Now do I think Nazis killed people in gas vans? I believe the Nazis in some cases did kill people in experimental gassings & I can believe the Nazis killed 200 people in gas chambers. But I don’t believe the #s are hundreds of thousands, because Nazis had easier ways to kill people such as starving & working people to death, shootings, beatings & lethal injections. There are hundreds of cases where Nazis killed prisoners in experiments such as cooling, high altitude, malaria & wounds. Sometimes prisoners survived such as seaH20 tests. Nazi Drs. took pictures of these experiments.

    But there are no photos of Nazis taking pictures of prisoners being gassed which is why I don’t believe hundreds of thousands were killed. Prof. RJ Evans in book says that Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Hoess and Heinrich Luitpold Himmler witnessed people being gassed & that Nazis destroyed gas vans, but it’s odd that they wouldn’t photograph this while photographing experiments & it’s odd Nazis wouldn’t destroy proof of things like experiments.

    In book, Professor RJ Evans talks about other things about how Hitler & other Nazis talk of how Germany lost WW1 because of Jews and that it was war against Bolshevik Jews, with Slavs being tools working with Churchill & Roosevelt. Professor RJ Evans didn’t mention this but many Soviet henchmen & henchwomen were Jewish & millions of people were starved & worked to death, killed by shootings, etc. in Soviet Gulags because of Jewish Soviet Commies such as LM Kaganovitch, GG Yagoda, etc. in 1930s called Holdomor. & some of Lenin’s henchmen such as Leon Trotsky were Jewish.

    Did Holocaust happen because of Holodomor ? Among the millions who were starved & worked to death in Soviet Gulags in Holodomor, this includes thousands of Germans living in USSR. Adolf Hitler, Goebbels used words like eye for eye & tooth for tooth. 1 could say that Hitler went with view that since Commie Jews sent Aryans, etc. to starvation deaths in Soviet Gulags, that Nazis would put millions of Jews in concentration camps & ghettos where they were starved & worked to death such as building Trans Saharan railroad (Africa campaign), the same way as Volga Germans in 1930s were starved & worked to death working on Trans Siberian railway. Soviet Gulag eg. would be Dubno, Kolyma & Krasnogorsk which were run by Jews. Yes, Jews were a group involved in committing Soviet Holocaust called Holodomor 10 years before Nazi Holocaust. Nazi Holocaust was wrong as it’s wrong to send millions of people to death in ghettos & concentration camps. Only saying that Jews were not always innocent and Jews committed Soviet Holocaust which killed more & Nazis believed they committed Holocaust because of Holodomor.


  14. Nazi Alois Brunner in 1987 (hiding in Syria) interview said that he did not know of gas vans until he read newspapers after war. Alois Brunner said that he would do it again in that he would send Jews & others to concentration camps & ghettos where many would die of starvation (if you put millions & not enough food many starve to death which is bad by itself), but he didn’t know of gas vans. Alois Brunner believed that Germans were the greatest with Slavs doing things for German interests. Alois Brunner knew again that many Jews would die of starvation deaths in concentration camps & ghettoes. Alois Brunner also knew that Wehrmacht, Einsatzgruppen & their allies shot and killed Jewish men, Jewess women & kids such as Babi Yar. But Alois Brunner said that he didn’t know of gas vans until he read newspapers after war.

    Alois Brunner said he’d do it again because he believed that since Soviet Jewish Commie henchmen & henchwomen could send millions of people to starvation deaths in Soviet Gulags like Dubno, Kolyma, Krasnogorsk, then Nazi Germans could put Jews in concentration camps & ghettos where people starve to death & in some cases, people were worked to death. Alois Brunner also knew that German soldiers raped Jewess women. Alois Brunner excused this as war Yes, it’s wrong to send millions to their deaths in concentration camps & ghettos. Commie Jews such as Chekas in former USSR sent millions to their starvation deaths in Soviet Gulags which incl. Volga Germans. Possible that if there had been no Holodomor, then there would have been no Holocaust as 1930s Soviet Holodomor was committed by Jews.


  15. Most partisans or resistance fighters in Poland, USSR, Italy, France & other nations which were invaded by Nazi Germany were gentiles. Quite a few partisans or guerrillas were Communists. Some French resistance fighters were Communists & some Polish partisans were Commies. Partisans were often not nice people. Partisans sometimes kill Nazi collaborators but they also sometimes killed the Nazi collaborators small kids.

    It’s wrong for partisans to kill a 5 year old girl or boy because the parents were Nazi collaborators, as kids are innocent of their parents deeds. The fact many partisans were Communists & the fact that some partisans killed 5 year old kids are reasons why they’re no better than the Nazis though the partisans were fighting against an invading Nazi military whose interest was lebensraum or living room.


  16. It’s not controversial to talk about Nazi Germans & their allies Axis Japan & Fascist Italy. But when you talk of how many of Stalin’s henchmen & henchwomen such as LM Kaganovitch, GG Yagoda, Lev Mekhlis were Jewish who committed Soviet Holocaust called Holodomor, then anti-Semitic accusations. Wilhelm Johann Gustav Keitel Commissar Order executed Commies. Soviet partisans & Comissars were Commie thugs comparable to Kim Il Sung & Kim Jong Il.


  17. What’s next? Are you going to say that the swastika is bad and evil? Depending upon who you talk to (or culture), they’ll say that it stands for peace. Hitler wasn’t creative or anything. He was an idiot.

    I laugh at people who say if you’re a right-winger, that makes you racist, a bigot, and so much more. One thing that many of today’s lefties don’t realize is that during the Civil War, it was the Democrats that were for slavery and didn’t want to have it abolished. They were the party of slavery, segregation, and the KKK. So in all technicality, it’s the lefties who are the real bigots.

    Yes, I may be a conservative, but it doesn’t mean that I support Trump. Let’s be honest, both of the top front runners for POTUS is an idiot, not qualified, lies so much they actually believe it’s truth, and most importantly…..they don’t have the trust and confidence by the American people.

    Why do you continuously talk about Trump like he’s the only one who shouldn’t be in White House? Do you honestly think that Hillary is just as qualified? Do you wake up every morning and convince yourself that Hillary has a clean slate, is honest, and actually going to do what’s right for the American people?

    I’m going to use Obamacare as an example. When Obama brought this health care plan to the people, I tried to have an open mind about it. How well did it work? It’s turning to be a complete flop now and many doctor’s offices aren’t accepting it now.

    That’s why when it comes time for the election, I’m going to vote but not for either one of them. I’ll vote for someone who I think I can trust rather than vote for the political party I affiliate with.


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