Why Are Conservative Boys So Triggered By Barbie?

4 thoughts on “Why Are Conservative Boys So Triggered By Barbie?

  1. I could care less about Barbie. What my concern is why people are making more of a big deal about Barbie compared to Sound of Freedom. Barbie movie does play into feminism and how women are better than women. Thing is, IT’S JUST A MOVIE!

    Sound of Freedom brings up a controversial topic. It is centered around child sex trafficking. What is more important for you? A movie played off of a doll or something that is realistic. I’ve seen first-hand what child sex trafficking is like. Living here in Texas, I’ve been involved in sting operations where we are catching these pedophiles (call them what they are). I’m not being politically correct with it. They are not a minor attracted person.

    I would think that with you being in the social science department, you would pay attention to it. Do you not because the movie also brings in the faith of Tim Ballard? But what’s sad is that it took 5 years for the movie to actually be released. What is that? Is it because it’s too controversial?


    1. Why does anyone have to pick one movie or one of these controversial topics over the other? Why can’t space be held for both topics? Can’t a person be a feminist AND also against child sex trafficking? Consider the fact that maybe there would be fewer pedophiles and less child sex trafficking if females, ESPECIALLY young girls, were actually respected, recognized as human beings, and not objectified and sexualized.

      Child sex trafficking is a horrible issue, yes. The pedophiles are the reason it’s even an issue though. Take pedophiles out of the equation, and you don’t have a market for child sex trafficking anymore. As terrible as it is, it’s basic supply and demand.

      Do you want a REALLY controversial topic? How about we get to and solve the ROOT of why these child sex traffickers are pedophiles? I’d be shocked if patriarchy isn’t at least part of the root of the issue.

      What’s really sad is that we aren’t talking about WHY these pedophiles do the things they do and trying to solve THAT. Why isn’t there a movie about that? Is it because it’s too controversial? Or is it because society somehow finds the idea of a white male saving children from child sex trafficking more appealing?

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  2. Great article! I would posit, however, that having a “Barbie-Free Zone” is just as misogynistic as only allowing girls to play with them. Barbie represents many traditionally feminine aspects, like being smart AND pretty are ok, and in my experience hating Barbie and pink just means hating traditionally feminine things. Which is just another form of misogyny.

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